Children will be evaluated on the basis of their knowledge in English, Tamil, Hindi, Science and Maths in the written form.
The syllabi for the above mentioned subjects are based on the common topics taught in different boards in the class preceding to which admission is sought.
Children will be evaluated on the basis of personality traits, habits of socialisation followed by personality orientation of children and interaction with the parents with the school authorities
How to Register?
Registration forms are issued by the school from Mid of December month each year. Filled in registration forms have to be submitted to the school. The short-listed candidates qualifying the evaluation process are intimated to take admission.
Selection and Admission
The selected candidates are required to fill in the admission form and deposit the fee for final admission. The selected candidates must produce the following documents at the time of admission:
Photocopy of the Birth Certificate issued by the Government.
Photocopy of the mark-sheet of the previous class, if applicable
Blood group report
Transfer Certificate issued by the previous school (in case of transfer from other Board) and countersigned by the District Education Officer only. If TC is not countersigned the original Birth certificate may be submitted which will only be returned at the time of issuing TC
Two copies of recent coloured passport size photographs are to be submitted.